Recovering Files with the cPanel UI

Accounts with the enabled Acronis Backup privilege can browse backups in their cPanel interface and download or recover files, folders, databases, mailboxes, mail filters, mail forwarders, and entire account.

Downloading Files

1. Click Acronis Backup.
2. Open the Backups tab.
3. Select a recovery point. After you select the recovery point, the corresponding backup is mounted to the cPanel server. The process may take up to a few minutes.
4. Click Files.
5. Select the files and folders to download.
6. Click Download. If you choose to download a single file, the download will start immediately.

If you request to download several files, a .zip archive will be prepared and placed into your home folder. Once the archive is ready, download it by using the link in the notification bar or in the Operation Log, or by using the File Manager.

Recovering files to the original location

1. Click Acronis Backup.
2. Open the Backups tab.
3. Select a recovery point. After you select the recovery point, the corresponding backup is mounted to the cPanel server. The process may take up to a few minutes.
4. Click Files.
5. Select the files and folders to recover.
6. Click Recover.
7. If at least one folder is selected, you can select the Delete any files in the original location that were created after the backup option. If this option is enabled, all files from selected folders will be deleted before the recovery. This option may be useful if your website were hacked, to ensure that all malicious files are deleted. 8. Click Recover.

As a result, the selected files on the cPanel server are replaced with their copies from the backup.

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